@Article{aev:2022-10.55753/aev.v37e54.202, title = {Introduction to LaTeX and how to start a new project in Overleaf – Professionally finished work (directly in PDF)}, author = {Fonseca, W. D'A.}, journal = {Acústica e Vibrações}, year = {2022}, issn = {1983-442X, 2764-3611}, month = {dezembro}, number = {54}, pages = {113--120}, volume = {37}, doi = {10.55753/aev.v37e54.202}, publisher = {Sociedade Brasileira de Acústica}, keywords = {scientific writing, tutorial, layout, editing}, abstract = {This article presents basic information about what LaTeX is, as well as how it works and its purpose. Motivations for using it and how to start a text (or document) in this system are also explained. The Overleaf online editing platform is used, with information on how to start a new project and how to use the journal (Acoustics and Vibrations, A&V) sample files.}, }