Acoustic Performance of Floor Systems: Case Studies for Airborne and Impact Noise Isolation


  • Maria Fernanda de Oliveira Nunes Laboratório de Tecnologia Construtiva, Universidade de Caxias do Sul, Rio Grande do Sul, RS
  • Aline Zini Laboratório de Tecnologia Construtiva, Universidade de Caxias do Sul, Rio Grande do Sul, RS
  • Daniel Tregnano Pagnussat Laboratório de Tecnologia Construtiva, Universidade de Caxias do Sul, Rio Grande do Sul, RS



soundproofing, field trials, flooring systems


Floor systems constitute one of the horizontal boundaries separating housing units in buildings, but their importance in sound insulation has not yet been fully considered. The acoustic performance of flooring systems is evaluated for both airborne and impact noise, and the constructive characteristics must meet specific sound transmission requirements. In this study, different flooring systems and acoustic performance to air and impact noise were evaluated. Field tests were carried out on solid concrete slabs, lattice slabs and ribbed slabs, with ceramic coating and wood laminate, in addition to different types of subfloor. The measurement procedures followed the ISO 140-4, 140-7 and 140-14 standards and the acoustic performance was determined from the criteria of NBR 15575-3. The results indicate that the floor systems analyzed with lattice slabs present a deficiency in sound insulation to airborne noise when covered with wood laminate and to impact noise when covered with ceramic flooring. The only flooring system with values ​​of D'nT,w and L'nT,w with superior acoustic performance rating was with ribbed slab with EPS buckets, subfloor with light gravel and wood laminate flooring.


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Capa - Desempenho Acústico de Sistemas de Piso: Estudos de Caso Para Isolamento ao Ruído Aéreo e de Impacto



How to Cite

NUNES, M. F. de O.; ZINI, A.; PAGNUSSAT, D. T. Acoustic Performance of Floor Systems: Case Studies for Airborne and Impact Noise Isolation. Acoustics and Vibrations (Acústica e Vibrações), [S. l.], v. 29, n. 46, p. 13–19, 2014. DOI: 10.55753/aev.v29e46.124. Disponível em: Acesso em: 21 oct. 2024.

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