Design and optimization of automotive silencers oriented to Formula Student prototypes




muffler, genetic algorithm, formula sae, vehicle, optimization


Formula Student/FSAE competitions establish noise limits for Formula SAE prototypes powered by internal-combustion engines; thus ensuring auditory protection for all participants. Current regulations establish sound pressure level (SPL) limits of 103,0 dB(C) and 110 dB(C) for idle engine speed and test speed conditions, respectively, under specifically determined measurement conditions. Many teams often struggle to comply with such regulations effectively, given that successful case studies are seldom documented. This work proposes a methodology for just such a purpose through detailed discussion of designing and optimizing the construction of such silencers, for the cases cited herein. Characterization and modeling methods are addressed based upon source sound power levels and sound pressure level prediction. The prototypes are proposed and discussed in detail, as well as the decision-making process involved for their selection. Furthermore, the application of Genetic Algorithms to silencer optimization (in the low-frequency range) linked to the transfer matrix method is conducted and discussed. A thousand generations (with 50 individuals each) are studied, directing the case under study to reduce predicted global sound pressure levels by 3,3 dB(C) on average. This study has resulted in a design that safely complies with the limits set by current regulations. With respect to validation, the prototype built under both conditions measured 89,9 dB(C) and 108,5 dB(C), respectively.


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Capa - Desenvolvimento e otimização de silenciador automotivo orientado a protótipos Formula Student



How to Cite

PICCINI, A.; MAREZE, P. H.; MARTINS, M.; FONSECA, W. D. Design and optimization of automotive silencers oriented to Formula Student prototypes. Acoustics and Vibrations (Acústica e Vibrações), [S. l.], v. 35, n. 52, p. 23–44, 2020. DOI: 10.55753/aev.v35e52.18. Disponível em: Acesso em: 18 oct. 2024.