HBK 2255 con Building Acoustics Partner







The day-to-day acoustic performance measurements according to the standard ABNT NBR 15575:2021 require light and robust equipment with integrated solutions that facilitate service and reduce the possibility of errors. Considering such needs, HBK has developed a product line focused on the daily life of construction sites. The HBK 2255 sound level meter, integrated into the Building Acoustics Partner, assists decision-making during measurement with predefined steps for measuring and real-time data visualization. The HBK 2255 can be controlled remotely via Wi-Fi or Bluetooth, eliminating the need for cables. Using the HBK 2755 amplifier, the entire measurement can be controlled remotely via the App. Data from field measurements can be transferred to the office via cloud storage. Together with the Building Acoustics Partner, it enables quick reporting, accelerating work and increasing productivity from start to finish.


This article is a translation in Español (España) of the article:  HBK 2255 com Building Acoustics Partner


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HBK 2255 con Building Acoustics Partner



How to Cite

GOUVEIA, E.; DIAZ, F.; DATSCH, S.; FONSECA, W. D. HBK 2255 con Building Acoustics Partner. Acoustics and Vibrations (Acústica e Vibrações), [S. l.], v. 39, n. 56, p. –, 2024. DOI: 10.55753/aev.v39e56.287. Disponível em: https://revista.acustica.org.br/acustica/article/view/aev56_hbk_sp. Acesso em: 9 mar. 2025.

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