Acoustics and Vibrations Editorial 7


  • Revista Acústica e Vibrações Sociedade Brasileira de Acústica (Sobrac)


Editorial, Scientific Journal, Acoustics, Vibrations


Despite the difficulties the country is going through, SOBRAC has grown a lot, but it needs to grow a lot more in order to strengthen and develop acoustics and vibration science. During the 88/89 administration, we managed to hold a meeting in Florianópolis-SC at the end of 87, another in Campinas-SP at the end of 88, as well as, together with the Rio de Janeiro Regional Office (Roberto Tenenbaum, Moyses Zindeluk, Jules S. Slama and Ricardo Musafir), the extraordinary III International Seminar on Noise Control, in December 89 in Rio de Janeiro-RJ, and we should also mention the replacement of the bulletin by the SOBRAC Magazine, published every six months from 88 onwards. We were also able to consolidate our links with the International Institute for Noise Control (I/INCEI), as well as continuing our efforts to hold an "Inter Noise Conference" in Brazil, as we are competing in the queue for 93. We wish a happy and fruitful administration to the new Board of Directors for the 90/91 biennium, and make our acquired experience available to those who will make SOBRAC even greater with their drive, creativity and willingness to work.

The Board - 88/89 Management

Primeira página do encarte.



How to Cite

REVISTA ACÚSTICA E VIBRAÇÕES. Acoustics and Vibrations Editorial 7. Acoustics and Vibrations (Acústica e Vibrações), [S. l.], v. 5, n. 07, p. 1–1, 1990. Disponível em: Acesso em: 22 oct. 2024.