Vol. 3 No. 05 (1988): Acústica e Vibrações 05

Acústica e Vibrações 05

We would like to report to our fellow Sobraquians some of the goals we managed to achieve in 1988.
We were able to publish Bulletin 04, which grew to volume 5 — this magazine. This publication was prepared with material that was fully received by the members. Upon receipt of the Bulletin 04 evaluation form, 99% liked the "Mini-Class" and "Technological Innovation" and many asked us for copies of technical articles. In this edition we have achieved better print quality (more legible letters). We already have about 15 participants for our commercial catalog "Who is doing what in Acoustics and Vibrations", and we have extended the deadline for registration and participation until 12/15/88, giving a chance to companies that are still organizing material and also to others who still do not know this future publication. We are holding the IX MEETING OF SOBRAC on the 1st and 2nd of December, in Campinas-SP, thanking IBM, VIBRANIHIL and TRORION-Illbruck for their financial support, and also to our secretary José Maurício who worked up to 12 hours/ day. Our comrades Moysés and Roberto, from Rio de Janeiro, are organizing the great X MEETING OF SOBRAC Along with the III International Congress of Noise Control and X COBEM for December 1989. Last September, in Avignon-France, we participated in the meeting from the International Institute of Engineering Noise Control, marking the presence of Brazil with 5 representatives, where we renewed our request to hold the INTER-NOISE World Congress in Brazil for 1993.
These are some of our achievements, in addition to the modification of the billing system and the complete administrative reorganization of SOBRAC. In the last eight months, SOBRAC grew 18% in number of members, but it is still completely dependent on physical space and telephone at UFSC and the PC computer at GVA (Grupo de Vibração e Acústica da UFSC). The financial situation is not comfortable. Our main expenses are the salary of our secretary José Maurício and postage costs.
It can be noted that we are not talking about the future, nor making plans that are almost always on paper. We are repeating our "SOS" for all members to send us news, articles, mini-classes, technological innovations, jokes, etc.
We leave the evaluations and recommendations for our General Assembly, in Campinas on 12/02/88.
Until then.

Summary content:

  • Fox vehicle acoustics;
  • Organization of a hearing conservation program;
  • Active silencers;
  • Mills: acoustic enclosure; and
  • Technical articles.
Published: 1988-11-01