Vol. 22 No. 38 (2007): Acústica e Vibrações 38

Acústica e Vibrações 38


One of the goals of SOBRAC's current management is the reformulation of the "ACÚSTICA E VIBRAÇÕES" magazine. Initially, a Provisional Editorial Board was set up, seeking to bring together representatives of educational institutions, consultants, and professionals linked to companies operating in the area. The functioning of the council ran into some practical and conceptual issues of functioning. In the last Ordinary General Assembly of SOBRAC, whose Minutes are transcribed in this edition, the creation of a forum on the new SOBRAC website (www.acustica.org.br) for the reformulation of the magazine was approved. To open the discussion of the new magazine, we included in this number 38 an interview with two of the best-known members of the Society, Fernando Aidar and Moysés Zindeluk, in which part of their opinions can be known. Also thinking about the reformulation of SOBRAC, we published the rules of a contest open to associates to create a new logo for the Society.

While the reformulations are discussed by SOBRAC members, as long as necessary, this issue presents some technical articles. The first idea was to publish the articles from the conferences and workshops presented at the XXI SOBRAC Meeting, São Paulo (November 2006). However, due to the tight deadline, we were able to gather only two of these works for issue number 38. In early January 2007, the current administration invited members to send original articles for the composition of the current issue. We received and published the very valuable contributions of names such as João Baring, Débora Barreto, Márcio Avelar Gomes and Swen Müller.

In this issue, it was decided to publish in a separate insert the pages with the announcements of institutional members who were interested in publishing their companies in the ACÚSTICA E VIBRAÇÕES. We hope that the content of the issue fulfills its informative purpose and that the next editions will already contain the reformulations prepared with the participation of the associates.

Paulo Medeiros Massarani

Summary content:

  • Sustainability and acoustic control of the environment;
  • Sound impact of the implementation of the Salvador subway in adjacent buildings, considering the impact on the health of the population;
  • Implementation of Methods for Acoustic Simulation and Auralization of Rooms;
  • Readability evaluation using the STI;
  • Acoustic Evaluation of Theaters; and
  • Evaluation of the acoustic performance of in situ audiometric booths.
Published: 2007-03-01