Identification of Sound Pressure Levels in a Closed/Open Duct Via Finite Element Technique


  • Ricardo Humberto de Oliveira Filho Laboratório de Vibrações, Acústica e Controle, Departamento de Engenharia Mecânica, Instituto de Ciências Tecnológicas e Exatas, Universidade Federal do Triângulo Mineiro, Uberaba, MG
  • Leandro César Morais e Silva Marinha Mercante do Brasil, Rio de Janeiro - RJ



pipeline noise, identification of noise levels, finite elements


The search for the improvement of the quality of life of the human being has been one of the fundamental objectives of science. In the area of ​​engineering, the control of noise pollution has mobilized much of the research in applied science. An alternative is the so-called Active Noise Control (ANC). These controllers normally employ electroacoustic and/or electromechanical sensors and actuators that seek to cancel unwanted noise based on the principle of superposition of waves. The objective of this work is to develop and experimentally validate a computational model, based on finite elements, that represents the acoustic behavior of a straight duct with a circular section. The aim is to generate a control signal, of equal amplitude and opposite phase to the unwanted noise, which causes the cancellation of the noisy signal at a given point or region of interest. An experimental bench consisting of an instrumented PVC duct with loudspeaker and microphones was set up. Amplifiers and signal conditioners were designed and built to interface between the transducers and the respective dSPACE® control platform. The model developed for the ANSYS® simulations met expectations, since it was possible to identify sound pressure levels with an error of less than 4%, compared to the experimental value.


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Capa - Identificação dos Níveis de Pressão Sonora em um Duto Fechado/Aberto Via Técnica dos Elementos Finitos



How to Cite

OLIVEIRA FILHO, R. H. de; SILVA, L. C. M. e. Identification of Sound Pressure Levels in a Closed/Open Duct Via Finite Element Technique. Acoustics and Vibrations (Acústica e Vibrações), [S. l.], v. 30, n. 47, p. 41–47, 2015. DOI: 10.55753/aev.v30e47.115. Disponível em: Acesso em: 18 oct. 2024.

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