Reminiscent soundscape of the Bebedouro neighborhood (Maceió – AL) affected by a socio-environmental disaster
historical soundscape, heritage, socio-environmental disasterAbstract
In 2018, five neighborhoods in the city of Maceió, Alagoas, were affected by a socio-environmental disaster, caused by the extraction of rock salt by a multinational chemical industry. This process generated widespread surface instability, causing cracks in the buildings and craters in the ground. The area was evacuated and approximately seventy thousand people had to leave their neighborhoods. The result of the expropriation measures at the site was an emptying of dynamics in the urban environment, and with the emptiness, the possible removal of histories, relationships, and sounds. Considering the soundscape concept, which understands sounds as perceived by individuals in a context, the aim of this research is to investigate characteristics of a destroyed past soundscape of one of the neighborhoods affected by the disaster: Bebedouro. The method was based on the ISO/TS 12913-2 soundscape standard, with interviews with former residents and surveys of historical data. The analysis indicated a landscape conformed by everyday sounds related to buildings (church bells), nature (birds) and the traumatic sounds of the narratives themselves (crying and protests). In addition, this research contributes to advances in soundscape studies that use memory as an informative resource to record an interrupted landscape.
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